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Showing posts from March, 2024

That meeting could have been an email…or could it?

There has been a shift in recent years away from administrative, or information-disseminating, meetings due to the meme-worthy “that meeting could have been an email” mentality. I am now so completely drowned in ‘informative’ emails that I am actually missing many important details that are lost within my deficient email filtering system. My system involves scanning the dozen emails sitting in my inbox, flagging the ones that look important to ‘read later’, then failing to ‘read later’. Personally, I feel the need for meetings, or at least in-person and verbal interactions sometimes, to effectively convey important information. In the absolute busy-ness of my work life this is far from feasible. There are certainly alternative ways of communicating that we use such as Microsoft Teams, Learner Management Systems, social media, even texting and, (I know it’s old-fashioned) calling someone on the telephone. But the reality is that when there are so many different forms of communicatio...